Wednesday, April 13, 2005

You've Gotta Root, Root, Root. Seriously, guys.

The Post reports today that up to five DC Councilmembers are skipping opening day with the Nats. Adrian Fenty (D-Ward 4) and Phil Mendelson (D-At Large) blame scheduling conflicts. Others are skipping on "principle".

I opposed much of the courtship of the major leagues because it was so tied to building a publicly financed stadium, but I always wished for a team in DC because I love the game and because the game can be a good financial investment for the city and will be great for the District's kids.

Oh, and in case you missed it, home games -- that's games in Washington, DC -- start tomorrow.

Jim Graham (D-Ward 1) who opposed the deal has the right attitude -- "Who could be opposed to baseball," he said. David Catania (I-At Large), on the other hand, says "At this point, it's hard to get enthusiastic about baseball." Really? That's too bad. Then perhaps I'll see you at an major league soccer game or something instead, Mr. Catania. And if you need to get rid of your tickets tomorrow or in the coming months and years, just give me a call.


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